Our religious journeys are scary and inspiring, exciting and nerve
For me, over half a century in the ministry has been all that and
The pages on this site grew out of my journey.
I hope they will be meaningful to you.
Book Previews
Other Materials
Confessions of a Minister
Devotions for Caregivers
Biographical Sketch
100 Devotions for New Christians
Intentional Interim Ministry
Ephesians: The Mystery of His Will
Tobacco Farming in the 1950s
Gray Matters: 100 Devotions for the Aging
Traditional Interim Ministry
Interfaith Meditations
Women in Ministry
More Commandments
Sermon Videos
Psalms Devotions
Christian Citizenship
Revelation Devotions
Living Sacrifices
So Much to be Thankful For
Catalog of Materials
Beginning the Christian life is like a seedling sprouting in that
there's much more to come: hot sun, cool winds, soaking rains and
dry days. Through it all the believer reaches upward, growing new
limbs and leaves. The First 100 Days provides some people fertilizer
and cultivation for that important beginning.
I perceived a need for a daily devotional approach that would speak
briefly and understandably to some basic building blocks of the
Christian life. This work needed to extend over period of time long
enough to call attention to several important subjects, but brief enough
to encourage the reader to go on to other materials soon afterward.
It's intended to be catalytic, thought provoking. Therefore it is not
a manual for life, but rather a resource for your first few weeks, to
orient you to the Christian life.
It's my prayer that our God will bless you and grow you in your
first hundred days.
Edwin Ray Frazier
Days 1-7 The First Week
1 First: Love the Lord
2 Second: Love Our Neighbor
3 Bible Study
4 Prayer
5 A Church Home
6 But I Say to You
7 Be Your Own Person
Days 8–14 The Second Week
8 Getting Oriented Through Personal Study
9 Getting Oriented Through Friendships
10 Relationships
11 Mutual Appreciation
12 The Witness Mentality
13 The Invader Mentality
14 The Stewardship Mentality
Days 15–22 Do Something Great
15 Do Something Great
16 Something Great is Inside Us
17 Don't Spend Life in Trivial Pursuits
18 When Work is Food
19 Leave a Mark
20 The Ship That Never Sailed
21 Life's Great Drive
22 The Oak in the Acorn
Days 23–38 Christian Characteristics Pages 28–43
23 Christian Characteristics
24 Love According to God
25 Joy: A Conscious Decision
26 Peace and Peacemakers
27 Patience With People
28 Kindness, Plain and Simple
29 Goodness: Still a Strange Thing
30 Faithfulness: True
31 Gentleness: Power Tamed
32 Self Control: Temper and Tongue
33 Holy Spirit Baptism
34 Forgiving Heart
35 Submissiveness
36 The Christian Coverup
37 Discretion
38 Bifocal Religion
Days 39–45 Troublesome Traps
39 Troublesome Traps
40 Getting Involved Too Quickly
41 Combativeness
42 The Misfit
43 Stunted Growth
44 The Survivor Complex
45 Feelings: We Can't Trust Them
Days 46–54 The Church
46 The Church
47 When 50+50=75
48 Worship: Where? How?
49 Changing World
50 The Church: Christ's Bride
51 Church = Hospital
52 Making Decisions at Church
53 Skeletons in the Closet
54 Harmony in the Church
Days 55–80 Bible Characters
55 Bible Characters
56 Abraham: 57 Jacob: 58 Joseph: The Bratty Kid Turned VIP
59 Moses: Giving the Devil a Foothold
60 Joshua: 61 Caleb: 62 Samuel: Dependable One
63 David: A Man After God's Own Heart
64 Solomon: Wise Man
65 Jehoshaphat's Model Prayer
66 Jeremiah: Prophet of Hope
67 Daniel: Deeply Devoted
68 Hosea: Prophet of God's Love
69 Amos: Prophet for the Poor
70 Habakkuk: Fussing at God
71 Matthew: The Kingdom of Heaven
72 John: Apostle of Love
73 James: Pillar of the Church
74 Peter: The Sincere Guy
75 Andrew: Bringing Others to Jesus
76 Paul: Innovator
77 Stephen: Sowing the Seed
78 Barnabas: 79 Timothy: A Supporting Role
80 Thomas: The Honest One
Days 81–85 Jesus and His Enemies
81 Christ Preeminent
82 Inner Religion/Outer Religion
83 Inclusive/Exclusive
84 Good Religion/Bad Religion
85 Grace/Condemnation
Days 86–3 Core Beliefs
86 Core Beliefs
87 The Primary Problem: Sin
88 The Primary Cure: Agape
89 Jesus, the Word of God
90 Cherish the Church
91 The Bible: Our Manual
92 Awesome God
93 Doing Our Own Thinking
Days 94–100 The Last Week
94 Love Thy Self
95 The Boomerang Principle
96 Go With The Flow: God's Flow
97 Stepping Up
98 When Religion Needs to be Fulfilled
99 Spiritual Student
100 Lifelong Student
Afterword Biographical Sketch About the Book Bible Translations
Eight freshmen, a professor, and his wife weighed anchor excitedly. Soon the endless sea surrounded their sail boat for 360 degrees as they launched into a new era of their lives. Their first sunrise on the ocean pictured an unforgettable time in our son's life. The five day trip was his orientation to the college chapter, leaving yesterday behind and sailing into tomorrow. For the freshmen it was a launching moment.
Becoming a Christian also is a launching moment. These hundred devotions are written to orient you to an exciting new chapter as your religious future dawns. Each devotion provides additional Bible passages for further study and reflection. Their purpose is to stimulate you to think, reflect,
and grow spiritually.
The topics are selected and discussed as objectively as possible, hopefully to be appropriate for any of several Christian faith communities. My own perspectives however, are necessarily reflected at times. When that's the case, I encourage you to weigh the options and arrive at your own conclusions and convictions. The aim here is for you to gain strength for your future.
When our son started kindergarten he talked frequently about Thomas, a friend he had made. We were eager to meet Thomas' parents at our first PTA meeting. Imagine our surprise when we learned that Thomas and his family are African–American. We're Caucasian, and our son had never mentioned the color difference. We were glad that he came to that time in life without bad attitudes to prevent that friendship, and we tried to encourage the good attitudes that would continue to free and empower him in his future.
At this time in your life, I hope and pray that these devotions will help to instill those religious attitudes that will empower you and strengthen you for your future.
(Days 1 – 7: The First Week)
Day 6
You have heard that it was said,
But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.
(Matthew 5:43 – 44 New International Version)
Religion is inward, spiritual. Six times Jesus made that one point in Matthew 5:21 – 48. Speaking about anger, adultery, divorce, vows, revenge, and loving our enemies, He first quoted old religious teachings about outward actions. Then in each case He commanded inward religion.
As a new Christian life takes shape, it's wise
to give the greater emphasis to our inner spirits and attitudes.
Outward obedience such as church attendance and giving thanks at
meal times is good when those actions spring from a heart that
leans toward the Lord.
Jesus' great difference from His enemies who arranged His crucifixion was that His religion focused on the inner spirit while their religion focused on outer actions. As time passes, many ministers and lay people alike are shocked and saddened to discover
our own drift toward an outward focus.
Those twenty–eight
Lord of my faith, I honor you as the one who is spirit, and who has begotten me as a spiritual being. Pilot the ship of my soul I pray, that I may steer a course diligently and accurately toward religion that is pleasing to you. Coach me and inspire me never to drift into the outward focus in matters of faith, but rather always to put the
spiritual focus first. Amen.
A new heart I will give you, and a new spirit I will put within you; and I will remove from your body the heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. (Ezekiel 36:26 New Revised Standard Version)
He said to them,
(Days 8-14)
Day 12
You will be my witnesses.
(Acts 1:8 New International Version)
Often we can understand a truth more clearly by contrasting it to untruth. Jesus said that we are to take what we may call
The contrasts are obvious. We are not prosecuting attorneys to put the most damaging spin on someone's behavior. We are not jury members to decide innocence or guilt. We are not judges to pass judgment and sentence others. We are not courtroom bailiffs to subdue the unruly. We are witnesses.
Like those who orchestrated Jesus' crucifixion, countless religious people act like judges or act in other inappropriate roles. They mean well in the beginning, but fail to stay in the role of witnesses.
As the twenty – first century gets under way, competitiveness and hostility surround us, tempting us into other roles. One way in which God's people are different and holy is that we refuse other roles in favor of the witness mentality. We think of ourselves as those who share honestly about who we are, the convictions we hold, and the commitments we have made.
Lord of grace and peace, deliver me always I pray from the compulsion to judge or to prosecute. Mark before me the way of the witness, so that my influence may draw others to you, as you have drawn me to yourself. And as you mark the way, so I will follow in it. Amen.
I will mention the lovingkindnesses of the Lord and the praises of the Lord, according to all that the Lord has bestowed on us. (Isaiah 63:7 New King James Version)
Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be
ashamed of their slander. (1 Peter 3:15 – 16 New International
(Days 23 – 38 Christian Characteristics)
Day 26
The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace,
patience, kindness, goodness,
faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
(Galatians 5:22 – 23 New International Version)
God's people are peaceful. We are peacemakers. We're willing to work diligently for peace in complex situations. When it's like looking for a needle in a haystack, still we search diligently for peace and work toward it. We're trying to find some way to bring about peace: peace in the family, peace with the neighbors, peace to the ends of the earth.
The fruit that God's Spirit bears in our lives is only one kind, but it has these nine characteristics, in the same way that one apple has several characteristics: size, shape, color, weight, texture. Peace is one of the several characteristics that give evidence of the presence and activity of God's Spirit in our lives.
Where we see anger out of control, arrogance, lack of love and lack of peace, the devil is coming on strong and danger is at hand.
Like joy, peace is about our character rather than about our circumstances. Sometimes God calms the storm we're in. More often he calms us and gives us peace in the midst of life storms.
God of peace, make me a peacemaker: a peaceful person first, and then a person who has increasing skills in the divine task of making peace. Call to my attention those relationships in which I perpetuate ill will, and transform my bad attitudes by your grace until I run
after peace for all I'm worth everywhere and all the time. For
Jesus' sake I pray, amen.
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!
(Luke 2:14 New King James Version)
Whoever wants to embrace life and see the day fill up with good, here's what you do: say nothing evil or hurtful; snub evil and cultivate good; run after peace for all you're worth. (1 Peter 3:10–11 The Message)
(Days 55–80 Bible Characters)
Day 78
Joseph, a Levite from Cyprus, whom the apostles called Barnabas
(which means
(Acts 4:36 New International Version)
Barnabas was an enabler, a starter, a quiet behind-the-scenes kind of guy who made good things happen. He sold a field and gave the money to the church, setting an early example of giving. When the Antioch church needed more competent teaching, Barnabas was the one who brought Paul in. Acts pictures him repeatedly in the role of catalyst, facilitator, cultivator.
Most of us couldn't do some of the outstanding things that Moses or John the Baptist did. But most of us could be a Barnabas, an encourager, an enabler. We can cultivate others who grow in God's garden.
There are fine Christian people who need a pat on the back. There are competent church members who need a little push and a little guidance to find their gift and start serving the Lord in a significant way. We may be able to provide an oasis of edification
to a pastor who lives in a perpetual desert of parched and parching
If we're looking for a clear set of Christlike footprints, Barnabas left good ones.
Lord of encouragement I praise you that you lift me up based on who you are rather than on who I am. I see that grace in Barnabas, and I want to develop that in my lifestyle as well. Make me alert today I pray, to opportunities to make good things happen: to be a cultivator, a catalyst, an encourager. In Jesus' name, amen.
Barnabas took him and brought him to the apostles. He told them how Saul on his journey had seen the Lord and that the Lord had spoken to him, and how in Damascus he had preached fearlessly in the name of Jesus. (Acts 9:27 New International Version)
Both of them (Paul and Barnabas) stayed there with the church for a full year, teaching large crowds of people. (Acts 11:26 New Living Translation)
By now you have taken some first significant steps as a Christian. You're beginning to grow some leaves of Christlike attitudes, some limbs of service for the Lord, and perhaps already beginning to produce spiritual fruit in your own life and in others.
Tomorrow is exciting and frightening. It's mysterious. Yet it's bright with hope because of yesterday. Yesterday the Lord broke up the planting ground, prepared it just for you, and set you as a tender seedling in the place of His choosing.
When God gave Joshua the command and the promise to be strong and of good courage (day 60; Deuteronomy 31:23), apparently God thought that Joshua should draw courage, grace, and great strength from that. We do too. Our future is exciting because it's His,
and we are in His hands. He cares for us.
It's true that Jesus was a carpenter. But in an eternal sense He is also the Master Gardner, tending His seedlings. We can be excited and confident about all our tomorrows, for He is with us.
Today's seedlings are tomorrow's giants. A seedling however needs a good first few weeks. We're talking about people of course: new Christians seeking good first weeks with the Lord.
The First 100 Days offers guidance and encouragement for new Christians who want their seedling faith to grow strong. It's a devotional approach with long meaning captured in short treatments of scripture, comments, and prayers. In spite of their brevity, these devotions are keys that open doors into great rooms of life truth. We've printed suggested Bible texts for further study along with each day's material.
Seedlings reach upward, stretch outward, and grow new limbs and leaves. We're talking about people of course. The First 100 Days provides the kind of fertilizer and cultivation that can help a tender young faith reach upward. As the child of God begins to walk with Him over life's hills and through the valleys, we claim His promise that
These pages and thoughts are offered in the prayer that today's seedling Christians will find that promise true in the future, just as today's giants in the faith have found it true in the past.
Paperback 105 pages 15.00
This is a Preview of the Book Entitled
The First Hundred Days
One Hundred Devotions for New Christians
By Edwin Ray Frazier, 2012
ISBN 9781462400966
Father of the Faithful
God Has Become My God
Be Strong
Give Me the Tough Task
Mr. Encourager
But I Say to You
Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.
but I say to you
verses (Matthew 5:21 – 48) are powerful. We do well to hang them on the den walls of our hearts and gaze at them often in our Christian walk.
For Further Study
You have a fine way of setting aside the commands of God in order to observe your own traditions!
(Mark 7:9 New International Version)
The Witness Mentality
The Way of the Witness
or The Witness Mentality.
That's how we are to relate to others.
For Further Study
Peace and Peacemakers
For Further StudyBarnabas:
Mr. Encourager
son of encouragement
For Further Study
About the Book
the path of the righteous is like the light of dawn, that shines brighter and brighter until the full day.
(Proverbs 4:18 New American Standard Bible)
The First Hundred Days
Several books previewed on this website are available on line;
Or you may send the purchase price plus $4.00 shipping and handling to:
Edwin Ray Frazier, 4202 Appleton Way, Wilmington, NC 28412
Questions? email: edrafr9@gmail.com phone: 910-232-1258
Thank you.