Our religious journeys are scary and inspiring, exciting and nerve
For me, over half a century in the ministry has been all that and
The pages on this site grew out of my journey.
I hope they will be meaningful to you.
Book Previews
Other Materials
Confessions of a Minister
Devotions for Caregivers
Biographical Sketch
100 Devotions for New Christians
Intentional Interim Ministry
Ephesians: The Mystery of His Will
Tobacco Farming in the 1950s
Gray Matters: 100 Devotions for the Aging
Traditional Interim Ministry
Interfaith Meditations
Women in Ministry
More Commandments
Sermon Videos
Psalms Devotions
Christian Citizenship
Revelation Devotions
Living Sacrifices
So Much to be Thankful For
Catalog of Materials
Congregations have unique opportunities and unique challenges in
the interim between pastors. Intentional Interim Ministry is a
congregational self-study process designed to take advantage of
those opportunities and to meet those challenges successfully.
Some congregations see no need for a self-study and call another
permanent pastor as quickly as possible. Some call an interim to
do the preaching only.
The IIM self-study focuses on five points: heritage, mission, leadership,
connections, and future. While different IIM Ministers and
different congregations study these points in differing ways,
these five focus points are the backbone of every Intentional
Ministry process.
It is
a process rather than a program. Ideally the congregation
conducts the study. The congregation is led by the Transition
Team ("TTeam"), which is led by the IIM pastor. Taking the
heritage focus point for example, the goal is for the
congregation to arrive at a healthy outlook concerning the
church's past, both recent and further back. The IIM pastor and
the TTeam consider what activities and events will best
accomplish this goal, what issues need to be raised or avoided,
and how to proceed. The dynamic may be compared to that of a
daughter choosing someone to marry in that parents can guide her
to choose responsibly, but the choice must be hers. An IIM
pastor succeeds when the choices that are made, are made
decently and in order by the congregation.
Since it is a process of self-study, IIM is used by congregations of several different denominations.
Interim Ministers are trained by the Center for Congregational
Health in connection with North Carolina Baptist Hospital in
Winston-Salem, North Carolina. IIM pastors must complete a
course of 60 hours of class room training plus a six month
supervised ministry. Annual continuing education is required for
continued approval.
Many individual ministers have designed their own interim ministry
procedures, and a few other organizations train interim
ministers. Any of these ministers may serve your congregation
well. The important understanding is that you do well to ask a
lot of people a lot of questions so that you will know what
you're choosing to do.
Intentional Interim Ministry
Bridging the Interim Between Pastors
For More Information Contact
Dr. Edwin Ray Frazier, Interim Minister
4202 Appleton Way, Wilmington, NC 28412